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Service Dogs


I. Policy Statement


II. Definition

根据《威尼斯人在线》(ADA)的定义,“服务犬”是指经过单独训练为残疾人工作或执行体力任务的狗,包括, but not limited to guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, opening a door, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, 提醒精神病患者服用处方药物, 使患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的人在焦虑发作时平静下来, or performing other duties. Service dogs are working animals, not pets. 狗接受训练的工作或任务必须与人的残疾直接相关. 狗的唯一功能是提供安慰或情感支持 not qualify as service dogs under ADA.  

The ADA, Missouri law [RsMO 209.[150]威尼斯人在线董事会决议[#9114]允许服务犬陪同残疾人进入威尼斯人在线校园. 服务犬必须被允许陪伴残疾人到校园里任何一个残疾人可以去的地方. However, there are some places on campus that are not safe for service dogs; these areas are discussed in greater detail, below.

III. When A Service Dog Can Be Asked to Leave

如果服务犬的行为或存在对他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁,可能会被要求离开大学设施或项目. 例如,对人类表现出恶意行为的服务性动物可能会被排除在外.  没有被驯服的服务犬也可以被要求离开大学设施和项目.  In addition, 不属于ADA服务动物定义的动物可以被要求离开大学设施或项目. 有关在校园使用服务犬的问题,请直接向

IV. Areas Where Service Dogs Are Not Allowed to Enter

在服务性动物的存在从根本上改变了项目或活动的性质或具有破坏性的区域,服务犬也可能被排除在外.  Examples may include, but are not limited to, research labs, areas requiring protective clothing, and food preparation areas.  下一节将更详细地解释这些领域, 附录中的图表列出了校园内禁止服务犬进入的特定区域.   

Areas Off Limits to Service Dogs

  • Research Laboratories狗和其他动物携带的自然生物体可能会对研究结果产生负面影响. At the same time, 研究中使用的化学物质和/或有机体可能对服务性动物有害.
  • Mechanical Rooms/Custodial Closets: Mechanical rooms, such as boiler rooms, facility equipment rooms, electric closets, elevator control rooms and custodial closets, are off-limits to service animals. 这些房间里的机械和/或化学品可能对动物有害.
  • Food Preparation Areas:  Food preparation areas, such as those found in campus dining or in the Dietetics Labs, are off limits to service animals per health codes.
  • Areas Where Protective Clothing is Necessary任何穿戴防护服的房间都禁止服务性动物进入. Examples impacting students include the kiln, chemistry laboratories, wood shops and metal/machine shops.
  • Areas Where There is a Danger to the Service Animal: Any room, including a classroom, where there are sharp metal cuttings or other sharp objects on the floor or protruding from a surface; where there is hot material on the floor (e.g., molten metal or glass); where there is a high level of dust; or where there is moving machinery is off-limits to service animals.


个别动物/伙伴团队可根据具体情况获准进入限制区域. The access decision will be made by the AVP, Title IX and Equity, laboratory director or instructor, and, in some cases, the Chemical Safety Manager.

最终决定应根据研究或机器的性质和动物的最佳利益作出. Example: The machinery in a classroom may have moving parts at a height such that the tail of a large dog could easily be caught in it; this is a valid reason for keeping large dogs out. However, 一只非常小的听障犬可能比任何活动部位都要短, therefore, considered for admission to the classroom.

To be granted an exception: 如果伴侣想让她或他的服务犬进入禁区,请联系

V. Requirements for Service Dogs

该动物必须对该动物常见的疾病进行免疫接种. Dogs must have had the general maintenance vaccine series, which includes vaccinations against rabies, distemper, and parvovirus and must receive booster vaccinations annually. 所有的疫苗接种必须是当前的,动物必须佩戴当前的疫苗接种标签.
The City of Maryville ordinance [4890 §1, [7-9-90]对服务犬免予城市许可要求.
The animal must be in good health.  住在大学宿舍里的动物必须每年有一份由有执照的兽医开具的健康证明书.
Service dogs must be on a leash or in harness at all times, 除非由于处理人的残疾而不可行或不可行.
Under Control of Partner/Handler
服务犬的训犬员必须在任何时候都能完全控制服务犬. 照顾和监督服务犬完全是训犬员的责任.
Toileting Areas and the Cleanup Rule
在大学校园或大学活动中,服务犬的伴侣/训导员必须始终对该动物负责.  合伙人/训导员可能被要求赔偿服务犬造成的任何损害. 



School/Department Lab Activity Lab Director

Agricultural Sciences


Possible exposure to pesticides and fertilizers

Director, School of Agricultural Sciences

Ag Mechanics lab-Thompson-Ringold

Welding, woodworking, machine shop

Director, School of Agricultural Sciences

Fine and Performing Arts

Design Studio


Chair, Fine & Performing Arts Department 

Sculpture Studio


Chair, Fine & Performing Arts Department

Scene Shop

Welding, woodworking

Facility Manager, Ron Houston PAC

Health Science and Wellness

Dietetics lab

Food preparation areas

Director, School of Health Science and Wellness

Humanities and Social Sciences

History lab/Academic Resource Center

Sign shop materials: cutting tools, heat press, etc.

Chair, Humanities and Social Sciences Department

Natural Sciences

Chemistry labs

Experiments, hazardous chemicals, etc.

Chair, Natural Sciences Department

Saw room

Sawing rocks and minerals, requires safety glasses, etc.

Chair, Natural Sciences Department

Biology labs

Experiments, hazardous chemicals, etc.

Chair, Natural Sciences Department


Early Childhood Center kitchen

Food preparation

Director, Leet Early Childhood Center

Other Restricted Areas:

Maintenance shops and custodial closets

-- --

Director, Facility Services

Food service preparation areas

-- --

Director, Campus Dining Services

To be granted an exception: 如果伴侣想让她或他的服务犬进入禁区,请联系