A-Z Index

Applied Music Courses

Study in applied music is open to all University students contingent upon the availability of faculty, with priority being given first to music majors, second to music minors, third to non-music majors and minors participating in ensembles and fourth to other University students. Such study is offered at three levels: Lower level, upper level and senior/graduate level. Instructors may request the Registrar to delete a student from the class roster for failure to schedule a lesson time within the first five days of a semester and the first three days of a summer session.

Class Instruction

Applied music with group instruction is available in piano and in voice with enrollment directed by the faculty within the area of study.

Individual Instruction

Students will be enrolled in private lessons with the permission of the faculty in the area of study. Each course of one semester hour credit provides a one-half hour lesson per week in a semester and requires a minimum of five hours of practice per week. Students may enroll in one or two courses of the same number per semester. Courses may be repeated for additional credit.

Prerequisites: For all levels of applied music, students must have the permission of the instructor and/or the faculty within the area of study. For upper level, a qualifying examination must be passed; for senior/ graduate level, a satisfactory senior recital must have been given.








Secondary Applied Study

Private lessons in areas of vocal, instrumental and keyboard study that are outside the student's primary area of applied accomplishment. Repeatable.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor