Frequently asked questions and additional information about Northwest's 事件日历.
The University's online 事件日历 is for Northwest-sponsored events 只有. Events not sponsored by Northwest organizations or departments should not be placed on the calendar and are subject to removal.
推荐简短、简明的参赛作品. 额外的信息, 比如表单, should be referenced and linked to a webpage where the information resides.
为了帮助你写你的活动,大学提供了一个 编辑风格指南.
If the location of an event is not listed or additional location details are needed, 单击用于的复选框 指定的位置.
After clicking the checkbox, the 指定的位置 entry fields will appear as shown below.
每个字段都是可选的,您可以根据需要输入信息. 只输入房间号或设施名称 (e.g.、“105室”、“舞厅”等.) 不包括校园建筑名称或缩写吗. 校园建筑应应用于 过滤器区域.
To include contact information for the event, click checkbox for 联系 Details.
After clicking the checkbox the 联系 Details entry fields will appear as shown below.
To add a banner and/or thumbnail photo for your event, select the checkbox for Image.
After clicking the checkbox, the Image upload and entry fields will appear as shown below:
To add custom details to your event, 单击用于的复选框 Custom Details.
After clicking the checkbox, the Custom Details entry fields will appear as shown below.
Adding custom details will provide an Icon and text that can also be clickable if a web link is provided. Once published, the information will show in the Details section in the sidebar of event webpage.
Note, users can click the green + on the top right corner to add additional custom details.
的事件搜索框 活动日历主页 searches event titles 只有, and including a department or organization name improves searchability. 例如, use "Career Services: Mock Interview Day" rather than "Mock Interview Day."
没看到你的问题? 电子邮件 询问和请求答案添加到这里.
Events on the University 事件日历 should be University-sponsored events 只有. Events that are sponsored by organizations not affiliated with Northwest or that promote programming unrelated to Northwest's mission should not be added to the University 事件日历 and are subject to removal.
The University 事件日历 is intended for Northwest events and activities that are:
Invitation-只有 events should not be added to the University 事件日历.
Registration deadlines may be added to the calendar for the first day of a registration period and the last date of registration; please add one event for each day.
建议将某个事件发布到西北事件日历, 将事件的详细信息发送到 日历管理器.
如果您的区域未由事件日历管理器表示,请使用威尼斯人在线的 提交表单 请求Web Team创建事件.
If you frequently make edits or organize events and would like to be given access to the 事件日历, 电子邮件的 请求访问和培训.
若要修复,请导航到该页并单击发布. 请确保保持所有设置不变,然后再次单击“发布”. 该事件应该很快就会直播. 这可能需要几分钟,取决于里面的音量 发布队列.
In most cases it is recommended to mark an event as canceled rather than delete. This action informs the audience that the event is canceled and limits confusion.
注意: 在你发表之后, 事件页面本身将更新得相当快, but the event homepage may take a few minutes longer to reflect the changes.
The Office of University Marketing and Communication monitors all content on the Northwest website. Edits may have been made for style and grammar or to eliminate redundancy, among other reasons.