a - z指数



一天 一年 事件
8月. 1 1984 Dr. 院长李. Hubbard became Northwest's ninth president.
8月. 1 2010 Northwest became a smoke-free campus.
8月. 1 2017 Northwest completed a remodel of the 院长李. 哈伯德创新中心, 允许农业科学学院从以前的总部搬到Valk中心顶层的空间.
8月. 1 2018 Northwest broke ground on a new farm manger’s house at the R.T. 赖特农场, 推进与3月yville R-II学区西北技术学校的合作项目,以建设1,300平方英尺的家里.
8月. 2 1906 The Normal School baseball team lost a game, 10-3, against the Barnard town team at the Barnard picnic; the game was reported as the Normal School's first out-of-town competition.
8月. 2 1920 A degree group within the Northwest 校友 Association was formed. The dues were 25 cents in addition to alumni dues.
8月. 2 1991 University buildings became smoke-free.
8月. 3 1999 西北在线 was launched; 57 students enrolled in nine courses.
8月. 3 2016 Northwest announced the appointment of Dr. Juanita Simmons as its first vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion.
8月. 4 1905 玛丽维尔被告知,它将成为密苏里州西北部第五区师范学校的所在地.
8月. 4 1915 Smaller diplomas replaced large ones that had signatures of all the students' instructors, causing some students to refuse the ones without signatures.
8月. 4 1920 Olive DeLuce completed plans for columns to be placed at the entrance to Memorial Drive, sponsored by the Nodaway County Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Removed during the 1970s for a street renovation project and rededicated on 11月. 10, 2006, the brick pillars and plaques display names of 46 soldiers who died in World War I.)
8月. 4 1921 理查森校长向夏季毕业班发表告别演说并授予学位.
8月. 4 1948 The Bell of '48, a gift of the class of 1948, is rung for the first time at 7:45 a.m.
8月. 4 2016 西北庆祝重新开放其珀西瓦尔·德鲁斯纪念收藏在橄榄德鲁斯艺术画廊. 自20世纪80年代以来,这个拥有800多件藏品的庞大收藏一直被存放在仓库中,直到菲尔·拉伯(Phil Laber)复活并盘点了它, the former chair of the art department, 在琳恩·吉尔伯特的帮助下, administrative specialist to the president, and a small group of students during a project spanning two-plus years.
8月. 6 1906 第一次毕业典礼举行了,玛丽维尔的戈尔达·艾里收到了师范学校颁发的第一张证书.
8月. 7 1906 A Last-一天-of-School program for the training school included recitations of "Mrs. Robin's Afternoon Tea" by Vern Pickens and "Warblers and Perchers" by Lawrence Keeler.
8月. 7 1942 为大约50名高中毕业生设立了一个工作计划,每小时25美分,帮助他们上大学.
8月. 7 1981 蛋白石埃克特, a student and teacher in northwest Missouri for a span of 52 years, including as an instructor of English and journalism at Northwest, addressed graduates at the summer commencement ceremony. 埃克特, who had earned two undergraduate degrees and a master’s degree, also was presented with the Distinguished Service Award and the Distinguished 校友 Award.
8月. 8 2019 除了批准课程建议外,还创建了两个硕士学位课程和两个教育专业课程, the 校董会 celebrated the leadership of Regent Dr. 帕特里克冷雾, 自2013年被任命为董事会成员并于2015年至去年6月担任董事会主席以来,谁参加了他的最后一次会议. 为了纪念他,哈佛大学在霍勒斯·曼实验学校东南角附近种了一棵白花山茱萸, 哈尔也参加了.
8月. 8 2020 Outdoors and with social distancing measures in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 威尼斯人在线在熊猫体育场举行了晚间毕业典礼,庆祝900多名学生在春季和夏季完成学位.
8月. 9 1910 校董会委任一个遮阳委员会为新行政大楼选择遮阳.
8月. 11 1938 Plans for a new library building were approved. Wells Library opened in 10月ober 1939.
8月. 13 2013 “安全乘车回家”项目扩大了服务范围,包括在穿梭车上提供公共汽车式的路线.
8月. 16 1909 自1908年6月州立法机关通过拨款法案为师范学校提供资金后,行政大楼的建设首次恢复.
8月. 17 1987 密苏里州州长. John Ashcroft helped switch on the "Electronic Campus;" Northwest's first comprehensive freshman orientation program began.
8月. 17 1988 作为玛丽维尔市在干旱和炎热中节水计划的一部分, students were urged to limit showers to three minutes and wash laundry only once a week.
8月. 17 2011 西北航空公司降半旗纪念特种作战作战士官(海豹)马修D. 梅森是该校1998年的校友,于8月6日去世. 6岁时在阿富汗服役.
8月. 18 2011 强烈的晚间风暴, 携带大雨, 冰雹和时速80英里的直线风, causes widespread damage to the campus. 暴风雨造成停电, 无数破碎的窗户, water damage and downed tree limbs as well as damage to roofs and siding.
8月. 18 2016 威尼斯人在线与格莱斯顿市合作,在北地创新园区庆祝其西北-堪萨斯城新地点的盛大开幕.
8月. 19 2020 After four days of move-in and Advantage activities, 秋季学期正式开始,威尼斯人在线自3月6日以来首次恢复了校园内的面对面授课, while the COVID-19 pandemic continued.
8月. 21 2020 开学第三天, like other universities throughout the country, Northwest reported a concerning increase in students with COVID-19 symptoms. 在给同学们的留言中, 亚辛斯基校长敦促学生们“不仅要认真对待自己的健康和安全,还要认真对待周围人的健康和安全”,如果校园社区不采取缓解措施,“威尼斯人在线将很快把威尼斯人在线的学生送回家”.
8月. 22 2012 员工们聚集在一起参加全体员工会议,亚辛斯基校长在会上吹捧了该校最近取得的成就,以及对学生留存率的加强关注. Jasinski说, “不变的是威尼斯人在线对学生成功的关注,以及威尼斯人在线对成为玛丽维尔一名球员的关注, 在诺达威县, 西北地区, 国家与民族. 由于威尼斯人在线过去几年所做的事情,威尼斯人在线的定位是做一些与其他机构不同的事情.”
8月. 23 2012 The Registrar's Office announced a new resource, 学位审核, 帮助学生在他们的学位规划过程中,并为学生提供创建自己的四年计划的能力.
8月. 24 2011 在全体员工会议上. 马克·科森, an associate professor of geosciences, presented President Jasinski and Northwest with an American flag that flew 9月t. 11, 2010, over Joint Base Balad in Iraq. Corson was returning to his faculty role after a 15-month deployment to Iraq, including nine months as the commanding general of the U.S. Army Reserve’s 103rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command.
8月. 24 2016 西北基金会宣布,奥马哈的苏珊娜和沃尔特·斯科特基金会承诺捐赠100万美元,以纪念威尼斯人在线迈克尔·L. 《威尼斯人在线》, who was a director of the Scott Foundation, for his support of the Scotts’ civic and philanthropic activities, his 36 years of service to Peter Kiewit Sons’ Inc.沃尔特·斯科特(Walter Scott)是该校的董事长兼首席执行官,以及他对该校的忠诚. The gift was designated for renovations, a planned addition and future maintenance needs at the Northwest 校友 House, 更名为Michael L. 福斯特校友和朋友中心.
8月. 25 2010 大学校长. John Jasinski presided over the annual All-Employee Meeting, where he discussed strategic themes and actions for Northwest, 包括修改使命宣言的建议:“威尼斯人在线专注于学生的成功——每一个学生, 每一天."
8月. 26 2001 The College of Professional and Applied Studies became the Melvin D. 和Valorie G. Booth College of Business and Professional Studies in honor of 1967 alumnus Mel Booth.
8月. 28 2000 密苏里科学院, Mathematics and Computing – a residential program for academically-talented high school juniors and seniors – opened on the Northwest campus with 41 students; the University ended the program after the 2017-18 academic year.
8月. 28 2009 The H1N1 influenza outbreak hit Northwest as two students were diagnosed with the flu strain.
8月. 28 2023 On a Monday morning in front of the Administration Building, 大学校长. Lance Tatum received the first delivery from a Kiwibot, a new autonomous robot employed by Campus Dining to deliver food items. He received a coffee and box of cookies.
8月. 29 1991 大学校长. 院长李. 哈伯德决定留在威尼斯人在线,而不是接受北科罗拉多大学的职位.
8月. 29 2014 西北航空公司宣布将“熊狸连接”作为其新口号,作为全面营销活动的支柱,旨在推动招聘工作和广告策略.
8月. 30 1993 KXCV expanded its signal to reach Chillicothe with the addition of a 38,000-watt transmitter and became KXCV 90.5韩元,88韩元.9.
8月. 31 2010 Agriculture faculty member Rod Barr unveiled a master plan for the R.T. 赖特农场, which included the idea of an agriculture resource center, during a meeting on the Northwest campus with U.S. Rep Sam Graves and local and state political leaders.
8月. 31 2015 The Robert and Virginia Foster Fitness Center, the result of a complete renovation of the former Foster Aquatic Center, opened to students and employees in conjunction with the start of the fall trimester. 接下来的一周,即9月9日,学校举行了盛大的开学典礼. 10.